When you think of great Musicals that have been brought to Broadway over the years you think of professionalism and the very best of acting, singing, dancing, and of course all of the stage hands, sound crews, technicians etc. To bring such a play to a High School you would almost think impossible. But I have news for you!

I Just came from Forest Hills High School Summerstock production of “Newsies” I have to say it was totally amazing. You will not see a finer production of this Off Broadway. The youngsters aged from incoming 9th graders to Seniors were extraordinary. The vocal harmonies were not only perfect but presented as professional as you will find it!
I have seen professional musical productions and these kids shine amazingly considering they have only had 12 days of working rehearsals. Director, Dave Howard must be awarded high praise for his work with these young actors. He absolutely brought out the best in each and every one of them.
If you have seen the Disney Film for this musical then you know the type of dancing and choreography required. I told my wife that I would be surprised to see tap dancing and all the other dance moves that is demanded for this production. I have to tell you that Holly Wallace, Mary Camp Jasmine Gerard and Tara Truskowski not only pulled every move off, but really made this a top-notch show with their talented direction. Of course, there are many more that also need to be praised for their work on this show.

I truly can’t say enough about the stage crew, lighting, and sound department. With Covid still presenting issues and having to go without a live orchestra the sound track was seamlessly interwoven into the live drama being played out on stage. Every scene was enhanced with a detailed and professional looking set with backdrops and form fitted movable sets being moved into place by a tremendously rehearsed crew. Not one glitch did I find or a sour note from the entire cast. The leads, Jack Kelly played by (Grant VanderKlipp), Crutchie, (Ben McKim), Katherine Plumber, (Emily Williams), Joseph Pulitzer, (Deni Tepic), Medda Larkin, (Gwin Mack), Spot Conlon, (Jacob Couch), Davey, (Jack Bieniewicz), and Little Brother Les, (Brandon Baum), brought this musical production to life with their extraordinary vocals and acting.
This is a must-see production! If you live anywhere near Grand Rapids Michigan I encourage you in the highest regard to see this musical. You will not be disappointed